The Offended Offender

Once upon a time in the bustling city of Mumbai, there lived a man named Gopal who had a unique talent – he could get offended by almost anything, and he could also take offense on behalf of others with unparalleled dedication. Gopal was infamous among his friends and family for his quick temper and … Read more

The Reluctant Retirement of Raju Sir

Once upon a time in the bustling city of Mumbai, there was a software company called “TechieTrek.” The company was famous for its cutting-edge technology and, well, its eccentric senior manager, Raju Sir. Raju Sir had been working at TechieTrek since the dawn of the digital age. He was a living legend, known for his … Read more

Exposed: The Shocking Truth Behind Influencers’ Manipulative Web!

In the lively streets of Mumbai, there lived a young woman named Priya. Like many in her generation, she was absolutely glued to the vibrant world of social media, scrolling through Instagram, watching YouTube videos, and trying to dance along with the latest TikTok trends. She couldn’t help but feel a twinge of envy when … Read more